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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Is Kim Kardashian A Beard?

I've thought that Nick Cannon was gay for a while now. Then I hear that he's dating that hobag Kim Kardashian. I imagine she's a beard, since I am usually right about this (not).

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Freakshow Live!

Poor Pete Doherty. He's gonna die soon if he doesn't get the help that he needs. It's gonna be sad, but not surprising when I hear the news.

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Gay of the Day!

Tom Bianchi.

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Jude Digs For Dingleberrys.

Yet, I still find this oddly attractive...

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Mr. Beckham, Please Fuck Me Hard.

Col. Sanders said it best: Finger lickin' good.

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Rachel Bilson Is So Fucking Sexy.

If Rachel Bilson were a gay man I would ________.


Material Girl.

Sometimes I think she looks really good, other times I thing she looks heinous. Like now bitches.


Nope, Sorry.

La Lo, La Lo, La Lo. Just get help. The meth isn't working for you anymore, it's working against you. Even abroad.

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It's One Step Up From Fucking Ugly.

All you hatin' bitches that come back to my site to rip me a new asshole, take that! Kirsten Dunst has just moved up the fugly ladder from fucking ugly to ugly.


Keith Urban: Rehab Shocker!

It has been reported that country singer, Mr. Nicole Kidman has entered into a drug treatment facility. Rehab would be a great source for writing depressing country songs. Is it just alcohol or is it drugs too? Of course if I was married to a bitch like her, I can't say that I would still be sober now.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

George Michael Might As Well Be Pete Doherty, But Gay.

Georgie Porgie smoked a joint on live television in Britain. He stated that pot makes him feel sane. Guess what that makes you, George? An addict!!! Congratulations you have just earned a metal folding chair in the basement of churches all over the world!
I used to say that shit. Pot made me a better friend, easier to deal with, I even once said it made me better in my profession. Surprise, years later I end up in rehab! Good times.
Kids, if you need a drug to make you feel sane, you are, in fact, an addict.

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I Could Cut A Bitch!



Rosie Vs. Elisabeth: Who Should Leave?

I am really over the Hassel, but I have to say Rosie kinda bugs the shit out of me too! So who do you think should go?

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K-Fed. Please Go Away.

Popo-no bitches. I am so done with him. I wish Brit would be too, he is so fucking annoying. maybe with her new-found hot(ter) body, she will leave his sorry ass and find a real man.


Mischa Farton!

I am happy that I don't have to see that cellulite. But she is not 19. She's pulling a Beyonce. I say she's like 25 or so. Your thoughts?

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Madonna Has Compromised Her Artistic Integrity!

Exactly what she said to the Canadian Police when she was ordered to not perform her song Erotica. I remember - I own Truth or Dare.
Boo Madonna.



I'd like to have six with Jake.
I'd like to play with his 6+6 inch peens.
I want to have six babies with Jake.
I'd like to have fuck Jake six times.
Six can be fun.

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Gay of the Day!

T.R. Knight.

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I Kind Of Hate Isaiah Washington.

I know, I am such a hypocrite, because I throw the word fag around like a person breathes oxygen. But to use faggot in such a malicious way - this bitch should be canned. And, it leads me to believe that Isaiah Washington is on the Down Low - or else why would he be so defensive?
But I am happy that another actor came out of the closet! Brava, Mr. Knight, Bra-va!

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I Know I've Made Fun Of Eva Before...

But all jokes aside, she really isn't THAT attractive.


I'll Roll His Dice Any Day!

I really have no clue who Eric Bana is. I've heard his name before, but I don't know of him. Who cares? He's so cute, I had to post the pic!

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tommy Hilfiger Needs Help!

Come out, come out, wherever you are. The gayness is all over this pic, like woah!

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What The Fuck Is This Shit?

So I was right. A month ago or so, I posted a pic of these two together. And they are - really together. Gross. That's some bullshit right there.

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Two Skinny Bitches; One Fat bag of Meth!

Kate Bosworth & Lindsay Lohan together. Sick isn't it. These skinny bitches, parading their skinny methed out asses all over the place. In the words on Mo'Nique "Fuck these skinny bitches!"

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She Obviously Just Doesn't Give A Fuck!

And that might work for Kirsten Dunst - in fact, good for her. She just doesn't give a fuck. I think that it's a great attitude. Unfortunately, we, the public, have to accept the consquences. And because of this, I will continue to post nasty ass pcitures of her and the other bitches I can't stand!
G'day, mate.


Project Retarded.

I'm addicted, I am. But I was so disappointed to watch the finale. I didn't pay attention/read any spoilers and I was very sad to learn that Jeffrey Sebelia was the winner. I was really hoping that Michael Knight would win, even though he is rumored to be dating Brandy.

And most of my readers know how I feel about this bitch - BKA (Brandy Killed Aaliyah). And if I had to see Brandy's nasty face flash up on that screen one more time last night, I might have lost my dinner.

But alas, Jeffrey wins and I am still a full-time underpaid employee in Manhattan, blogging away to anyone who will listen.

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Gay of the Day!

Pedro Zamora.

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1st A Tranny Does Bags - Now An Alien.

She just doesn't look good. It's getting sad how fake she looks. It's not even Hollywood fake, it's alien fake.

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If Anyone Is Looking For Cream - It's In My Pants!

Eww, even I think that headline was gross. Anyway, Ryan Philippe is so yummy.

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I Want To Sing Itty-Bitty Spider.

Mary-Kate in a less than fierce fashion moment. She looks kind of silly. I love that she has her latest fashion accessory - a pack of cigs! Work it out gurl.

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Ivanka & Her Rack.

WTF? Did she have a boob job or is it just shadows and shit? Those titties are Pam Anderson huge - what is going on?


Whitney Houston Is Looking GOOD!!!

Special thanks to my DC gal pal Justin for sending me these pics (who loves ya baby?) This bitch is looking fierce! She has really been working to pull it together. You see, sobriety does a body good...


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Would So Do Both Justin & Trace. Maybe Even Together...

I mean, I've known Justin was hot, but I never paid attention to Trace Ayala before. He's super cute! Yummy.

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Gay of the Day!

Steven Cojocaru.

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No Words.

This is just a mess waiting to happen. Rachel Zoe (who is as much as of a celebrity as my lame ass) and Nicole Richie. I smell trouble.

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I Must Say Katie Holmes Looks Good...

Brainwashed, but good. I'm sure Tom has a "no fatties" clause in his contract.


This Bitch Can't Stop!

La Lo at Hyde in Hollywood, underage drinking is very bad. I guess the meth addiction trumps the drinking though! Bitch, just stay home a night or two.

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There Is Now Vomit Stuck To My Computer Screen!

Yeah, I'm just not feeling Cammie at all. Bitch needs that proactive shit, stat. Thank you Splash News [] for allowing me to engage in bulimia without doing anything on my part, but opening up your page. That's two pounds closer to my goal weight.


If You Wannabe My Lover, You Must Be Smokin' Crack...

HA HA HA I am Such an idiot!!!!!
Thanks to the anonymous commenter who reminded me that this doofus is Eddie Murphy NOT BOBBY BROWN!!!
Derrrr!!!!!!! I am so retarded! Bobby likes the young ladies - it's Eddie that likes the Tranny lookalikes!!!!!!!
WHOOPS! I am such a dumbass! I love it!!!!!!
Thanks Krizzle! The word on the street is that Scary Spice is 4 months preggers with Eddie Murphy's sperm. Ewww, gross. Both the Page Six [] and TMZ [] have reported.

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Whaddya Mean It Didn't Last?

Apparently, Kevin Connelly was the last to know. But once he realized he was dealing with a tranny, that bitch was out the door.

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This Can't Be True!

I read on some site that Alicia Keys was arrested for a domestic disturbance involving another woman. I am highly skeptical as I didn't see it on TMZ [] or any site like that. Does anyone know if this is bullshit or not?

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N-Fag To Nick Carter: Just Say No!

Ick, what a greaseball. Bitch get help before it's too late and you become another, 'what was his name?'

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JC Has Really Gotten Handsome Again!

I think that he looks charmingly delish! I would so do him again. Thank god he cut that nasty mullet shit he was growing.

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