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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Pre-nup Payout...

'Bout Time... These two both need to go away- NOW!

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Blogger Joy A said...

Britney's not going anywhere, but Federsperm's career as a "rapper" is dead upon arrival. Or should I say, dead upon sperminated?

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He does get some sort of payout as per the prenup. Not much but does anyone remember the amount?

BTW - Pound pound to Britney for filing without telling him then ice skating on NY with a big assed smile the very next day.

This is going to be very bad for all 4 of the kids. No stability.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Props on the detail Cujokay. I too agree that not even Satan would give him custody, a man who abandoned his first two (one in the oven).

Can you imagine the chain smoking that is going on in K-Fed's trailer right now? Mother F*&^er nervous as a hooker in church.

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raise your hands. Who cares about these two hoes?

9:19 AM  

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