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Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Close Encounter for Angie and Her Dad.

Celebrity Nation reports:

Angelina Jolie had an awkward moment the other night when she and Brad Pitt attending a photography exhibit at an LA gallery. When the new parents arrived at the party, a woman rushed out to tell them that Jolie's estranged father, Jon Voight, was inside. The couple reportedly drove around for a while before Pitt went in to the party alone and Jolie waited in the car until her father had left. The Tomb Raider actress was then seen sneaking in the back door. Jolie hasn't spoken to her father since 2002, when Voight said on national TV that he thought his daughter needed help for "mental problems."

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Blogger Sugarfoot said...

You're shittin' me! Jon Voight is her father? I never knew that.

Love the blog. I come here as my hidden obsession to get the dirt on the already dirty.

2:17 AM  

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