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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Keyword Search Report.

Here are some my fave keywords used on search engines that brought people to my blog:
Suri conspiracy - 77
Vanessa Minillo tits pop out - 14
John Mark Karr looks gay - 12
Al Reynolds fag - 9
Brandon Davis is a fag - 7
Nip slip - 6
Professional beard - 6
Shannen Doherty's teeth - 6
Brandy killed Aaliyah - 4
What does sim simma mean - 3
Greasy cleavage - 3
Boobs - 3
Lance Bass big mo - 3
Lance Bass ugly fag - 3

I wish I was making this up, but my tracking site keeps records of this. I think that it's hysterical.

And don't worry my tracking site can't tell me specific information about who is looking at my site!

Loves it!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny!

12:31 AM  

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