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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Penelope Cruz is a lying sack of lesbian shit.

Another fucking idiot, pretending that she laid eyes on Suri, the figment of a psychotic man's imagination.
This must have been in her contract.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you so mad about mot being able to see Toms baby? Just because they are keeping it out of the public eye and not making the baby available for YOUR viewing pleasure hes gotta be psychotic? Now lets really think about whos being the crazy one here...hmmmmm...seems that all fingers are pointing to you. Grow the fuk up. Just because someones belifes dont align with yours doesnt mean you have to be a dip shit about it.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang anonymous calm the hell down. The kid isnt baby Jesus and so much better than us its off limits and no one is good enough to see it. All the stars says is the most beautiful baby ever ...everyone says that about their own babies so they are just kissing Toms ass so he wont put a Scientology spell on their asses.

12:01 PM  
Blogger maximo said...

but tomas cruz IS psycho!

10:35 PM  

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