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Friday, August 04, 2006

Haters: Keep on Hatin!

Some more very important comments, that I feel the need to post:
Anonymous said...
Why are you so mad about mot being able to see Toms baby? Just because they are keeping it out of the public eye and not making the baby available for YOUR viewing pleasure hes gotta be psychotic? Now lets really think about whos being the crazy one here...hmmmmm...seems that all fingers are pointing to you. Grow the fuk up. Just because someones belifes dont align with yours doesnt mean you have to be a dip shit about it.
Well, I first would ask you to learn how to spell. Next I'd like to ask you if you are a Scientologist? Lastly, I'd like to ask you to not be such a pansy and post your address if you are going to be such a cock.
Thank you.
Anonymous said....
why don't you leave the judging of a woman's sexuality up to heterosexual men and lesbians... me, I think Hartnet's nasty... but I don't like to bang guys- so you win.
Answer: Because I can do whatever the fuck I want on my blog. Why don't you start your own blog and do just that.
BTW, everybody secretly likes to bang guys.
Alright, I know, not everyone, but most people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to comment on the comment the person made about Tom and Katie's "supposed baby" a while ago. If the writer does not want to know shit like that, why the hell are they reading gossip sites to begin with? Second, Tom and Katie made it an issue when they paraded Katie's pregnant ass all around the world for publicity. You can't have it both ways. It is natural for people to say "OK MF, all that fuss, now let us see it". They are full of fake, freak assed crap even if there is a baby. That's why his ass was just offered that fucked up $2 million contract. Why didn't the Scientologist "audits" (or whatever they are) tip you off to any of that smart ass? You should be so enlightened that it doesn't "upset" you.

5:20 PM  

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